3. September 2021 Sending Emails with Spring Boot In this small tutorial, we walk through the possibilities of sending out emails with Spring Boot applications. It covers sending emails with attachments, HTML emails, and also testing.
29. August 2021 ShedLock with Spring Boot ShedLock for Spring Boot solves a very common problem, which occurs when running scheduled jobs in your application when deployed with a high availability setup into a production environment. You might be ending up with multiple job executions at the same time.
24. August 2021 Sentry with Spring Boot Spring Boot provides everything a developer needs to bootstrap modern applications. Operational aspects are not omitted but delegated to third-party services and tools. Sentry helps us in this regards too.
22. December 2020 Frohe Festtage Am Ende dieses aussergewöhnlichen Jahres bedanken wir uns herzlich für das Vertrauen, welches ihr uns und unserem Unternehmen 42talents entgegengebracht habt.