
Let's celebrate an incredible 2019 together and look forward to 2020!

We wish you a great 2020!

Thank you for a great year full of amazing and joyful events! Here’s a little overview of last year’s highlights:

In March, Voxxed Days Zurich (VDZ) had more than 500 visitors, 42 of them were women. In total, the conference had 35 speakers. The keynote speaker was no other than the award-winning author and founder of Agile Developer Inc. Venkat Subramaniam. At the moment, the organizers are already planning year’s VDZ. There are still tickets for the VDZ 2020. Get yours!

Our SoCraTes Conference Switzerland (un-conference) in the Swiss Alps was also a huge success. The open space conference attracted about thirty developers. They discussed and ran workshops on many IT and non-IT related topics, had fondue on Mount Prui, played games, went to the famous SPA called Bogn Engadina in Scoul, hacked code, and deployed to the cloud. Click here here for more information and pictures of the event.

The 4th edition of SoCraTes in 2020 is already sold out, and we will have more than 50 participants this time!

Our 42talents-team also delivered many private and public training sessions all over Europe. We touched ground in Munich, Skopje, Berne, London, Berlin, Wiesbaden, Salzburg, Frankfurt, Dresden, and Zurich – some of them even multiple times. We also participated in SoCraTes Germany, SoCraTes Austria, and obviously in SoCraTes Day Switzerland and the SoCraTes Conference Switzerland. We visited our Friends form VoxxedDays Cern and ran workshops at DevopsDays Zurich and Lean, Agile & Scrum X in Zurich, as well as the ch/open Workshoptage in Rapperswil.

As you know, these last days of the year are often used for retrospectives. To look back and forward to celebrate what we've achieved and to focus on what we want next. In this post, we won't share our retrospectives, but some of us came up with excellent suggestions for new year’s resolutions, which could also inspire you. Let us know if they did! We are going to implement some of them for sure:

  • Start mentoring someone
  • Attend an un-conference and share your knowledge
  • Stay curious and do something different. Play an instrument? Try impromptu theater? Run events for kids (devoxx4kids)? Whatever is fun and you can learn something.
  • Learn a new (programming) language
  • Contribute to open-source

… let's celebrate 2019 and …

We wish you a great 2020!

The 42talents-Team