
Spring Cloud Workshop at OOP 2017 Munich

Patrick Baumgartner and Raphael Ackermann of 42talents have been running the sold-out workshop Development of Microservices with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Docker at OOP 2017 in Munich.

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Spring Cloud is a collection of tools that provide solutions to standard problems that occur when implementing distributed systems. The building blocks of Spring Cloud are Spring Boot and the Spring Framework.

The goal of this full day workshop was to learn about the Spring Cloud projects and ecosystem and then apply the learned to create a working set of collaborative Microservices in the areas of

  • Service Discovery
  • Routing, Filtering and Load Balancing
  • Configuration management
  • Resilience / Circuit Breakers
  • Logging and Tracing

There were 28 participants with a mixed background. 2/3rds with some experience in Microservices, 1/2 knowing Spring Boot, 1/3 having used Docker before and two said they used/looked at Spring Cloud before.

At the start, participants asked the following questions:

  • Why Microservices and not a traditional distributed system?
  • How to manage dependencies between Microservices?
  • How to debug Microservices?
  • How to use Non-JVM Microservices together with Spring Cloud?

The workshop started with an introduction to Spring Boot, the foundation upon which Spring Cloud Microservices are built. It's easy and fast to get up and running, using the Spring Initializr, or the Spring Start integration into the Spring Tool Suite (STS).

Followed by an overview over the large Spring Cloud ecosystem, it's main projects and integrations with other tools/stacks.

Next up was a deep dive into the following areas, using mostly the Netflix Stack of Tools/Services in Spring Cloud:

Each part contained an introduction to the concepts, followed by a hands-on lab where everyone implemented and ran the necessary Spring Boot Microservices.

There was a lot of material to go through, and at the end, we just managed to squeeze in the Docker examples before time was up and everyone left for the day's Keynote.

Want to learn more about Spring Boot, Spring Cloud or the Spring Framework? At 42talents we offer courses on the following subjects:

as well as consulting to support you in your Spring Cloud and other efforts.