Tudor Gîrba will work with us on the topic "Solving real problems without reading code".
Too often, developers drill into the see of data related to a software system manually armed with only rudimentary techniques and tool support. This approach does not scale for understanding larger pieces and it should not perpetuate.
Software is not text. Software is data. And software is more than code, too. Configuration, logs, data are part of it as well. Once you see it like that, you will want tools to deal with it.
This might appear as a secondary issue, but it really isn't as developers spend some 50% of time doing just that. It's time to rethink this situation:
In this session, we will look at live examples of how not relying only on code reading can increase our problem solving abilities.
Where do we practice?
Attention: SCZ has a new home @ Impact Hub Zürich, Sihlquai 131, Zürich - Around 5 minutes from Zürich HB.
Thank you Impact Hub Zürich!
We would like to thank our friends from zurich.impacthub.ch to provide us the space for hosting this free event.
More information here: http://www.meetup.com/Software-Craftsmanship-Zurich/events/225980221/