Software Craftsmanship Zürich Meetup

The agile way of designing an Architecture

The 11th principle of the 12 Agile Manifesto principles says:

The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

How does emergence look like? What do you decide now and what do you delay for later?
Lets give this a go. As professional software craftsman we will build a software architecture for a sample product the agile way. Lets make decisions at the right time by deferring them to the moment at which we have enough knowledge to decide wisely. And lets evolve the architecture of our solution in small steps from an early proof-of-concept via a simple working solution to a highly-scaled (maybe cloud based) service.

Your facilitator will be…

Urs Enzler is an agile minded software developer who likes architectural challenges, team learning culture, and speaking about all this.

Where do we practice?

SIX Fintech Incubator F10, Förrlibuckstrasse 10, 8005 Zürich - second floor, around 10 minutes from Zürich HB.

Thank you SIX Fintech Incubator F10!

We would like to thank our friends from SIX Fintech Incubator F10 to provide us the space for hosting this free event.

RSVP at Meetup page